Following is a list of retirement-related websites which you might find useful.
- Belmont Village of Westwood
- Choosing a CCRC (Continuing Care Retirement Communities)
- Disabled Travelers: Travel Resources
- Long Term Care Insurance
- Medicare
- Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UCLA
- Social Security
- UCLA Faculty Women's Club
- UCLA Longevity Center
- UC Survivor and Beneficiary Guide
UC Medicare
- Enrolling in Medicare
- Frequently Asked Questions about Medicare
- Medicare Coordinator Program
- Medicare Fact Sheet
- Plans for Retirees with Medicare
- Retiree Medical Plan Costs
- Split or Mixed-Medicare Families
- Which Medicare Plan is Right for You?
Public Transportation
Food Insecurity
Local Food Banks & Pantries:
Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
1734 East 41st Street, Los Angeles, California 90058
Phone: 323) 234-3030
Resources: http://www.lafoodbank.org/agency-resources.aspx
Westside Food Bank
1710 22nd St. Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: (310) 828-6016
Resources: http://www.westsidefoodbankca.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=70&Itemid=94
Feeding America Food Bank resources in California :
Campus Resources:
Fall Harvest Feast
This annual turkey dinner provides a warm meal as well as food and supplies to take away during the long weekend for up to 100 needy UCLA students and their families. This event has been created and produced through volunteer time of staff and students of UCLA, and the food, venue, centerpieces, music, and other supplies are donated through various campus departments, student organizations, and volunteers. The event is supported by the UCLA Volunteer Center, Bruin Resource Center, Community Programs Office, Wesley Foundation, University Religious Conference, Office of Residential Life, and Swipe Out Hunger.
CPO Food Closet
UCLA Student Activities Center
The Community Programs Office Food Closet was created in 2009 for any UCLA student in need. It is a resource to nourish students through the difficult moments in their lives. See attached for a one-sheet flyer.
580 Café
580 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles, California 90024
Phone: (310) 909-4471
The 580 Café is a place where you can grab something quick to eat, hang out, study, free food, wifi and more. Lunch on the Patio every Monday and Tuesday 11am-1pm- hot/cold/vegetarian options. All free all the time.
Aging and Retirement
Following is a list of websites related to aging and retirement.
- Administration on Aging
- American Association of Retired Persons
- American Geriatrics Society
- American Savings Education Council
- American Society on Aging
- Assisted Living Federation of America
- Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education
- Bet Tzedek (Legal)
- California Department of Aging
- California Health Advocates Program
- Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly
- Chronicle of Higher Education
- City of Los Angeles Department of Aging
- Consumer Consortium on Assisted Living
- Elder Justice Coalition
- Gray Panthers
- Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP)
- Healthcare and Elder Law Programs
- Medicare
- National Asian Pacific Center on Aging
- National Center on Elder Abuse
- National Council on Aging
- National Institute on Aging
- National Long Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center
- National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification
- National Senior Citizens' Law Center
- New Friends Homeless Center
- Senior and Older Adults Services
- Senior Living Map
- UCLA Faculty Women's Club
- UCLA Longevity Center
- WISE & Healthy Aging