Surveys and why we do them...
The ERRC and our sister campuses generate two surveys to obtain information from emeriti and retirees. The survey questionnaires are emailed or mailed to all UC retirees and emeriti. Both produce a significant response, indicating an appreciation for having been presented a forum to communicate with the University, and a need to do so. All surveys provided information that has been used to raise awareness of staff retirees' contributions, interests, and the challenges some are facing during post-employment.
Efforts are being made by the ERRC, campus administration, and the systemwide emeriti and retirees associations to address problems confronting retirees, or highlight the accomplishments and activities of University of California retirees.
Other surveys giving voice to the emeriti and staff retirees will be conducted and included on this website, as new issues related to their experience occur.
CUCRA Survey Reports
CUCRA survey goals are to 1) enable CUCRA, its member retirees associations, and retiree centers to advocate more effectively on behalf of UC retirees, 2) help the UC President's Office and campus and laboratory administrators better understand the contributions made by retirees to UC and the broader community; 3) assist UC retirees associations and retiree centers create and improve upon programs for retirees, and 4) provide retirees with comprehensive information about their collective contributions and achievements.
2020 Survey
2016 Survey
CUCEA Survey Reports
The Biobibliographic Survey of UC Emeriti/ae seeks to document and evaluate the research, teaching and professional service of the University of California Emeriti. This project is grounded in the premise that the University of California’s preeminence derives from the work of its faculty. For many faculty members that work does not end upon retirement. The intent of the survey is to show the extent to which that is true. This inventory provides impressive support for the claim that, when viewed in the aggregate, the teaching, scholarship and community work of UC emeriti during this period is equivalent to that of a major university. Emeriti contributions to the mission of the University of California amount to a virtual eleventh campus.
2018-2021 Survey
Full Report (PDF)
2015-2018 Survey
Full Report (PDF)
2012-2015 Survey
Full Report (PDF)
2009-2012 Survey
Summary (PDF)
2007-2009 Survey
Full Report (PDF)
2005-2007 Survey
Summary (PDF)
Other Surveys
- 2013 – 2014: Food Insecurity Survey to determine the extent to which UCLA staff retirees are affected by the phenomenon of Food Insecurity, which is described by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a “household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food.” At the time this survey was conducted, there were 5,986 retired staff. They were all contacted, and 1,494, or 25%, responded.
- 2009 – 2010: UCLA Staff Retirees Participation/Achievement/Contribution (PAC) survey, which was undertaken to enable University of California and UCLA decision-makers to become more knowledgeable about staff retirees' interests and activities. The survey was structured to provide the opportunity to share information pertaining to retirees' connection to UCLA, involvement in their communities, and commitment to their own personal growth. Of the 5,770 retired staff contacted, 1,506, or 26%, responded.