The UCLA Emeriti Center, a service and administrative campus office, was established in 1969 by Chancellor Charles E. Young at the request of a group of emeriti professors representing the UCLA Emeriti Association. The purpose was to create a recognized liaison between University units and retired academic personnel.
The new Center provided tangible evidence that the University retained an interest in the welfare of its emeriti; in turn, they continued to offer assistance, scholarly involvement, and services. The Center began under the administration of the Vice Chancellor of Faculty Relations and was based in the Chancellor’s Organization. Marian G. Broome, the Center’s founding director, was appointed. At the time of its opening on May 19, 1969, a roster comprised 150 retired faculty members and surviving spouses.
In 1978, the Center also extended services and support for staff employees, who were approaching retirement or had retired, and later renamed the Emeriti/Retirees Relations Center (ERRC).
Today, the ERRC reports to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Personnel and serves a roster that exceeds 18,500 retired faculty and staff.