The Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC) at UC Office of the President (Oakland, CA) supports members of the University as they transition into retirement and with life events beyond work, including University of California Retirement Plan (UCRP) retirement income, UCRP disability income, survivor benefits, and UC-sponsored health and welfare benefits.
You can contact RASC Customer Service by phone or online for help with benefits and retirement questions, Monday–Friday, 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (PT).
- Domestic toll-free: 800-888-8267
- International callers: 510-987-0200
- Survivor and beneficiary support line: 888-825-6833
- Fax: 800-792-5178
- Online portal: UCRAYS
Mailing Address:
UC Retirement Administration Service Center
P.O. Box 24570
Oakland, CA 94623-1570
RASC Customer Service can help with the following questions and concerns:
- Health and Insurance - issues such as changing medical plans due to a move or Medicare questions
- Life changes - such as divorce or death of a family member - and their impact on your benefits
- Retirement and Savings questions - such as how long you can keep money in your defined contribution account
- Beneficiary updates
- Bank account information for your direct deposit
- Tax withholding changes
- Address changes
- Cost of Living adjustment
You also will find benefits information on UCnet website:
- Medical Plan Chooser - to find UC medical plans available outside California and retiree medical premium rates for retirees with graduated eligibility
- News - such as changes to UC policy and insurance plans
- Open Enrollment information on this site in late October
- Latest issue of the New Dimensions Newsletter
- Retirement Direct Deposit Calendar
- Plan Contacts (e.g., Medical, Dental, Vision, Legal, etc.)
Common RASC Forms for Retirees (Please note any questions about the forms should be directed to RASC)
- Designation of Beneficiary for Retirees (UBEN 117)
- Direct Deposit for Monthly Benefit (UBEN 160)
- Address Change Notice for Retirees (UBEN 131)
- Tax Withholding for UCRP Income (UBEN 106)
Common RASC Handbooks/Factsheets
Proof of Retirement Income - The Work Number
If you apply for a car loan, mortgage, or apartment lease, you may need proof of income, including your retirement income. You no longer need to contact UC Customer Service for verification of income. UC has contracted with The Work Number, an automated service providing fast, secure retirement and income verifications. In most cases, the lender can get the needed information directly through The Work Number.
Lenders can call: 800-367-5690
Employer Name: UC Retirement
Employer Number: 14736