Professor Emeritus David Lopez serves as UCLA's first Faculty Retirement Liaison
The Chancellor’s Office created the position of Faculty Retirement Liaison in 2015 as part of its initiative to enhance the continuing role of emeriti faculty in campus research, teaching, and service.
Professor Lopez advises faculty members who are considering retirement as well as those who have already retired. He helps Academic Senate faculty members develop Pathway to Retirement agreements with their department chairs. He helps all retiring faculty navigate the University’s general retirement process, and coordinate it with their individual post-retirement plans. He works semi-autonomously from the Academic Personnel Office, and all his discussions with individual faculty members are confidential. He oversees the Pathways to Retirement Program and also the Faculty Retirement Workshops ( ). He also advises the Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel and the Academic Senate on University policy relating to emeriti.

With input from the Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel as well as the Academic Senate, Professor Lopez has recently revised both his “Guide to the Faculty Retirement Process” and overview of “Emeriti Rights”. They are now found on the Retirement Resources page of the Academic Personnel Office website. Together, they provide a good place to begin planning for your transition to Emerita/us status:
David Lopez is available for consultation year-round. He meets privately with faculty individually on campus, and by Skype or phone. His contact information is:
David Lopez
UCLA Faculty Retirement Liaison
Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Haines Hall 106b
310-210-1118 (mobile)